Fzhp Global Vision

Terms Of Services

Terms Of Use


All comments, feedbacks, postcards, suggestions, ideas, and other submissions disclosed, submitted or offered to Our Company on or by this Site or otherwise disclosed, submitted or offered in connection with your use of this Site (collectively, the “Comments”) shall remain the Company’s property.

The Company will own exclusive rights, titles and interests and shall not be limited in any way in its use, commercial or otherwise, with reference to the Comments. The Company is and shall be under no obligation:

The company can also use the testimonials and logos of the clients on its other web and offline properties.

Electronic Communications

The moment the client visits our site or sends e-mails to our contacts, the client is communicating with our company electronically. It’s involuntary for the client to receive our communications electronically. Our Company will communicate with the client by e-mail or by posting notices on this site. Thus the client agrees that all agreements, notices, disclosures and relevant communication satisfy and fulfill all legal requirements and are equivalent to any legal statement in writing.


All content that is included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, digital downloads, data compilations, and software, is the property of this company or its content suppliers and protected and international copyright laws. The compilation of all content at this site is the exclusive property of this company and protected by international copyright laws. All software used at this site is the property of this company or its software suppliers and protected and international copyright laws.

The trademark names used within our sites are the property of their respective company or its subsidiaries and cannot be used in connection with any product or service that is not part of that company.

Your Account

The use of this site is solely the responsibility of the user, for maintaining the confidentiality of their account and password and for restricting access to their computer, and as the client agrees to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password..

Copyright Complaints

The Company and its affiliates respect the intellectual property of others. If anyone browsing the site believes that their work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please follow our Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Violation.

Account Area

The Account Area is a convenient way to communicate. It is your sole responsibility to check the account area to address any queries, concerns, or additional instructions required by the designer. Not checking or using the Account Area frequently shall not provide you adequate grounds for a refund. However, if you are uncertain how to use the area, you may contact the customer support team at any time for assistance.

Delivery Policy

All design order files are delivered to Account Area as per the date specified on the Order Confirmation Email. An e-mail is also sent to inform the client about their design order delivery made to their specific account area. All policies pertaining to revision & refund are subject to date and time of design order delivered to client’s account area.

We provide a design order reference number soon after the order is placed, so that the customer may track the status of that order and post revisions against the reference number.

We deliver all our customized design orders via e-mail within 2 to 3 days of receiving your order.

We offer a RUSH DELIVERY service through which you can have your first logo samples within 24 hours by paying just $100 extra! For further assistance, contact us at 24-Hour Customer Support Center.

Revision Policy

We provide guaranteed unlimited revision. Customers can ask us for unlimited free revisions and we will revise their design without any additional charges provided that the design and concept remains the same. Revision Turnaround Time would be 48 hours

Notice And Procedure For Making Claims Of Copyright Violation

The Company and its affiliates respect the intellectual property of others. If anyone browsing the site believes that their work has been copied in a way that result in copyright violation, please provide the Company the copyright agent, and the written information specified below:

Applicable Law

You are required to comply with all applicable laws (including, without limitation, any applicable export controls) in connection with your use of the Service, and such further limitations as may be set forth in any written or on-screen notice from Logomines.


If there is any dispute relating in any way to the client’s visit to company’s Website or to services that they purchase through the site, the disputes shall be submitted to Dispute Handling Department.

Site Policies, Modification & Severability

We would appreciate the visitor to review all other policies, such as the Pricing policy, posted at this site. These policies also govern the client’s visit to our site. The Company reserves the right to make changes within the site, policies, and the Conditions of Use at any time. If any of these conditions are deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, it shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining condition.

Means of Reaching the Company:

The path way to all communications, starting from the purchase to the delivery process to the completion of order is done in any of the following methods:

Bill Of Rights

Safe Shopping:

When a client shops at this site, they shall be one of numerous customers who have safely shopped with us without credit card fraud. If the customer feels more comfortable, they may place an order by phone.

No Obligation:

Our Personal Notification Services, such as E-mail, are provided free of charge, and the client is under no obligation to buy anything.


The client can unsubscribe or change their subscription to any of our Personal Notification Services at any time. Simply visit My Account section at our site and modify the subscriptions online.


As a customer, the person will occasionally receive e-mail updates about important functionality changes to the Web site, new services, and special offers that our Client Services think the client might find valuable. But if the clients do not receive them, please visit the My Account section at our site to change preferences by logging in.


Use of the stolen credit cards is strictly prohibited and is considered to be a serious crime. We work in close collaboration to fight cybercrime and make sure that all fraudulent orders are reported to the Federal and State Agencies.



Welcome to FZHP! By using our platform, you agree to our terms and conditions. Ensure the confidentiality of your account, respect others, and adhere to our guidelines. We value your privacy; check our Privacy Policy. FZHP reserves the right to terminate services for non-compliance. Stay updated on any changes in terms. Thank you for choosing FZHP!

Contact us anytime and we will be right
at your service.

+1 409 916 7786

Let’s Talk Business!

Do not look here and there. Just contact us and drop
down your details and requirements.
Contact Form Demo (#5)